Astrology Signs – Learning them Visually

I’m a visual learner, and when learning astrology it helped me to create collages of each of the signs. I can look at these cards and very quickly gain a good understanding of the sign.

I have displayed the cards below not in order of Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc. but with their opposing sign, Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio etc. I do this to help you understand the signs better, as they have shared qualities, only on the opposite spectrum. For example Aries is independent, whereas Libra often results in dependence; Taurus rules personal values, whereas Scorpio rules the values of others, get the idea?

The pictures towards the top end of the collages are the positive qualities of the sign, towards the bottom are how the sign can play out in its negative, or where lessons are being worked through.

I’m happy for you to use these collages to support your learning x

Aries & Taurus

Taurus & Scorpio

Gemini & Sagittarius

Cancer & Capricorn

Leo & Aquarius

Virgo & Pisces

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